Monday, January 25, 2010


My past has haunted me
My childhood
My children
No more
If I do not leave it all
In the past
It will kill me
I choose to live
Therefore none of it
Will haunt me another day
I will smile in the mornings
Welcome a new day
I may grieve from time to time
For what could have been
But no matter
It is what it is and that is not me
I wish them all well
But I will wonder no more
Why they will not speak
I have a voice, and I will speak
To any and all who wish to speak to me
But to the dark shadows and the past
I will speak no more
Speak of no more
Let it all lie silent in a grave
Of its own design
It is not mine and I do not own it
I am a free man
I choose to live that way
For now and ever.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

there is one without the other, but

The soul is forever, til journies are run
It does not need a mere body
It needs a seeker
Seek not now and devestation
Will follow
Perhaps next time, we will learn
It does not need a mere body
We must seek the divine
That is our purpose
If we do not seek it
Do not plan and build for it
We cannot survive
Our survival is not divine
Our search is

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Well, I've heard about the good life
I've looked for it in cities
Then I looked in towns
Strangely, the nearest I came
Was in the forest by a waterfall
Well, why not
After all, those by the falls
Work in conjunction with the planet
Where we humans simply destroy
Don't we
Well, we'd better take lessons
If we want to be here
In even a hundred years
Don't agree, well
All I can say to anyone
Who thinks differently is
Look around you.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


We leave tracks, you and I
But when we look forward
We see only a few steps
We look back and see
Just a few more
But wait
Look back again
See beyond
Where they say we can see
What is that
Perhaps its proof
That more steps await us
For there in the dark
Millions of years before
Before they say we began to see
Others saw as we see
Three million years I'm told
So, look again to the future
Do you see it
Ahh, many footsteps still
Perhaps we will
We will see
The future, beyond
All of the past.

Monday, January 11, 2010


In this moment
A new year now
Will it be new
Or just an extension
More of the old
Old lies, old ties
Old beliefs or new
Will truth be born
From the lies
Reflected from the past
Will we be here
To accept that truth
Or will a new terror
Born out of the past
End the need
To ever think again.