Monday, January 25, 2010


My past has haunted me
My childhood
My children
No more
If I do not leave it all
In the past
It will kill me
I choose to live
Therefore none of it
Will haunt me another day
I will smile in the mornings
Welcome a new day
I may grieve from time to time
For what could have been
But no matter
It is what it is and that is not me
I wish them all well
But I will wonder no more
Why they will not speak
I have a voice, and I will speak
To any and all who wish to speak to me
But to the dark shadows and the past
I will speak no more
Speak of no more
Let it all lie silent in a grave
Of its own design
It is not mine and I do not own it
I am a free man
I choose to live that way
For now and ever.

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