Friday, August 29, 2008


Happiness is many things
All encompassing
Purity of feelings
Parity with all
Yes, friends, strangers too

Never forgetting that we can
Eat while others do not
When we sit to celebrate

Yuletide festivities
Eating our fill, seemingly satisfied
At how the world turns, but please
Remember the gift of sharing.

So locked
In a monetary world
We are sometimes insulted
By gifts
That our own ancestors
Would have
Cried for joy over
We let advertisers
What will make us happy
To receive
This Christmas time
Where is the joy
The glee
Because someone spent
Making something with love
For just us alone
When will we sheep
The human beings
We once were
At your youngest child
Or the baby
Of your own baby
See the joy, the excitement
For that glorious day
That comes but once a year
The sparkle in little eyes
To match all the lights
All the pretty paper
Gifts given from the heart
Are more expensive than any
Purchased in a store
For that gift
Given of the heart
Is a small piece
Of that person
The rest
Just good advertising.
We hear much talk about brotherhood of man as we and others still maintain that everyone else will be as happy as we are as soon as they start doing things out way, whether it is our way of life, or yet our religion.
God did not create one sect over another, and he created all men and women under the sun, so why is it, the question must be asked, does each religion feel the same warped way, that all will be well as soon as all the others join ‘us’. When will we finally realize that we are ‘one’ under God, who created us all, regardless what name we give to him. All men are our brothers, regardless of race, color or creed.


Celebrate what you will at this single season
It matters not at all
The joy, happiness
Generated on this special day
Is scattered day by day
Throughout the year
Not just to our own, but to all men
Then the meaning
Will truly have been understood
Good will to [all] men
Reaching out to others
Celebrating what they will
Realizing that though they may be different
Than we ourselves
They are still our brothers
Regardless if some see themselves
As ‘holier than thou’
Peace and happiness cannot exist
Without tolerance and love
For those who grow by different paths
For all that we must realize
Is that each man alive was created
By that self-same God
So to do other than love thy neighbour
Is to admit a truth about one’s self
That in fact
We are but warmongers
Hidden by a wreath and holy attitude
But still we can see
Bloodstained hands
NO matter their attitude
To us alone.
What is the reason for the constant fighting between different creeds? What??? Ego. Each one wanting to feel that they have something that no one else has. Why? Power and Ego, that is what, with a pile of [in our case] green stuff thrown in.
If we can overcome things that constantly get in our way, then perhaps the true ‘Brotherhood Of Man’ IN GOD, may yet rise upon this earth and an age of peace yet be ours, or at the very least, to that of our children.


I would speak to you of dreams and things
Th imagery by which we convince ourselves
How righteous, tolerant, and loving we are
But the world around us screams……LIAR
I love to see the happiness in a child’s face
Singing carols of joy, happiness, brotherhood
Yet, unknown to this happy child
A hypocrite with bloody hands
Belittles another’s ways, and shows
The dark gray shadows covering all by EGO
That part of every man by which choices are made
Choices to share in that which is every man’s heritage
Or blinding us to thinking, showing, what some men teach
That ours is sthe only ‘right’ way, the only truth
That everyone will be happy only
When he or she embraces that which we are taught
But the silly, scary, awful, and dire truth
Is that each society thinks and believes that same thing
Now some will say Satan, but I say, only ego
For even to believe a fallen angel responsible
Is but a feeble excuse for men to cover that ego
That evil
For to have a world at peace requires one thing
Control that ego, put it in its proper place
Then there may rise upon this earth ‘true tolerance’
Allowing then to rise that which we all seek
Peace and the Brotherhood of Man.

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