Saturday, August 30, 2008


For all that I say and have said
Indeed, that which I believe
The tree is still beautiful
Children’s happy joyous faces
Still a joy to see
And the message given
Through manner and song
Is still a beautiful one
And watching a child
Their excitement
On that day
Christmas morning
Is still exhilarating
Amidst the tearing paper
Excited screams
The oohs and aahs
Christmas is a joyous time
I wish only
That we might share it
Bottle it and share it out
To all men, everywhere
Labelled perhaps
With the words
“God’s blessings to all men”
“Peace on Earth
Good will to [all] men”.

Find a tree
With equal branches
Reaching out to us
Tying it to the car
Our youngster
Tagging along
For his opinion
Sharing in finding
That treasure
For his family
Squaring the bottom
Setting it in the stand
Giving it a place
In our livingroom
Our lives
Then gathering
One and all
To decorate it
Smelling its perfume
As it invades our senses
With images
Of the coming day
Humming some bars from
Oh, Christmas Tree
Ah, yes
The family
For now
Is one.
This poem is to the great plans of mankind, which blossom at this season for a moment, and then fast or slow, disappear once more. We seem unable to hold those good thoughts beyond the moment.


It is decorated now
See it
The pretty lights
The tinsel so bright
Reflecting prism colors
With snow or angel hair
And there
Way up on top
An angel
Showing us the peace
She represents
The message
That is given us
Once each year
A white cloth beneath
Upon which
As relatives come to visit
Gathers to itself
Piles of love
In colored paper
Such a beautiful time
So full of love
But then
As in our world
We tear
Rip it all apart
Nature is forever showing us things and trying to teach us lessons, pointing out the way to a better way of life. We seem to be constantly and consistently blind to it.
Our native Indians have tried and is trying to give us messages from the planet itself, and from the natural life upon it. The planet can show us, natives can try to teach us, scientists can explain it, but it is all up to us to ‘do’ it.


Caroling angels
Smiling faces
Bright wreaths
On doorway and window
Ah yes
The season of love
Is upon us
Frosty trees
Blanketed in ice
Nature is decorating herself
Again, with the sun
Reflecting from the branches
Showing us diamonds
Of faith in tomorrow
The gentle snowfall
Dropping silently, gently
From the heavens
Bespeak a virgin day
The sorrows
Of the rest of the year
Perhaps mother nature
Is showing us
That she
Can do it for a day
It is up to us
To make the season
Oftentimes now I hear more and more, that people are dissatisfied with what Christmas has and is becoming. It is a disgrace to see the many new and improved ways of gouging money, often from those who can least afford it. They can do this because people are reaching out, at least for the moment, to that brotherhood of man.
Greed has a multi-legged octopus that is trying hard to worm their way into our very immortal souls.


A quandary
Do we perpetuate
The fallacies of yesteryear
And present again
A happy face
For a week
Or maybe two
Or do we say
What to us
Is a truth
From where we stand
That stores
Play Christmas carols
To hide
Rising prices
That government
Wants to say
We care
Whether they do
Is anyone’s guess
But in those words
Is a silent plea
Leave me in power
What power? Why over us
Sooo, put on a happy face
Everyone does
To get
What they want
From each of us
And we, too
Do the same thing
Where is the Merry Christmas
In that.

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