Tuesday, September 2, 2008



I see my God
As I do see
And so too
Should you see
For not to see
However that be
Is to beckon death
To your side
Empty vessel
That you may be
For no religion
Is to have no heart
To have no heart
Is to have no soul
And soul is that
Heavenly spark
That gives us light
That gives us life
If not, therefore
You are dead.



Behold the day
Life giving rain
Dark clouds overhead
Crashing thunder
The lightning bolt
Each to give way again
To the heat of the sun
And to changing seasons
Feel the power
In the air
Oh, see as the poet sees
The grandeur
In it all
Can there be a doubt
That 'He' is here about
In all His majesty
Feeding our bodies
Filling our imagery
Enriching each
Our soil [soul]
With love and fear
And brotherhood
In preparation
For the harvest.



Is applied science
In so much
That unless we apply it
He may never know it
For one may be pure
Pure as the driven snow
But unless he gives
Of what he has - is
No one will ever know
And God Himself
May never see him
For it is when we give
That it reflects above
And too, deep within
For the gift of God
Is in the giving
The giving of love
The giving of life
Both quantity and quality
To praise our God above.


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