Tuesday, September 2, 2008

We can hear, if we listen, listen to the whispers from our children about what is wrong, and what we ourselves have seen, those things that are wrong but that we refused to speak up about. The children of this age do not need to be afraid to speak up. They survived the possible nuclear war. They have seen and read of the proof of their devastation. They can, with our prayers and support, bring about a change that must take place upon this earth before we succeed in finding more ways to destroy ourselves.


Sing of the cheer, aah to the lights
Sing praises above
Look what I got, what did you get
The plasticity of the season is appalling
In the narrow confines of a narrowminded man
Content with his own
Caring not for what is happening
All around him, and to nature’s home
Which supports us all
To different peoples the world around
At the butchery of forest and animal life
[That still survive]
That abound
And yes, oh foolish man, to ourselves
Indeed store prices go up, up
And up again
Hopes of glad tidings [from those in charge]
Glad tidings insomuch that
We are willing to swallow what they offer us
Complacent to all
Except position, the dollar of power
So Merry Christmas
We’ll all take it still yet again
But look you, is that a new star
Shining so bright, so close to the earth
Can you feel the heat
Cringe, you users of man’s good will
The heat is that of change
Changing the fiber of thought in this season
Good will to men given new meaning
In the hopes and cheers
Of youth
Yes, They will show us
One could say that this next one is a prayer for change. It is a prayer that God intercedes yet again. Perhaps he will give those that knowingly destroy our lives and ways of life, exactly what they deserve.
Many see the wrongs that they and we perpetuate, but close their eyes in favor of what they may gain today, forgetting that if we do not look after tomorrow, there may be no place left, for our children and yes, our children’s children.


Glorious God in Heaven
He that lives too
In the eternal heart of men
Forgive us our trespass
And let us forgive
Those who trespass against us
Let vibrations arise from man’s soul
To shatter the shallow paper defenses
Green of course
Of those who would rule it else
Try as they might, God will not be denied
And there is a miracle birth this year
Perhaps in a manger, but with a new star
Shining from the east, welcoming a new age
When man shall respect man
Respect and be responsible for
Born again, miraculously
Lord, those of us who see tomorrow from now
Beg that you, in all your majesty
Will attack the falsehood around us
Both fromm without and too, within
Let wrong thought be singed, seared
Destroyed from the hearts of men
Let brotherhood be the cry
Let it be now else all your children die
And the ghosts of those unborn
Cry down the walls of eternity’s halls
In favor
Of a new day
When all
Will walk
Your way.
Many times I have heard very learned men speaking on the subject of our survival, and many of those men can see no way for us to survive except perhaps, for the possible tenacity of those yet to come.
Is it so difficult then, for them to see that indeed, the answer is as simple as 1,2,3. Yes, to change this world from what it is, to the beautiful thing it could and should be, would be but a simple change of heart, a change of viewpoint.
Remove greed, pride, and ego, which ever raise their ugly heads in our societies, all, or at least control it, and we could yet have a beautiful world.
It is all in how we choose to view life and those living it with us on this planet.


A virgin birth is upon the land
Birth from a blanket of white
The cradle is the world
Wise men those who see
The shepherds those who lead the people back
Back to the chosen land, and where
Where is this chosen land I hear someone say
Why, it’s right here, of course
Wherever here might be
For our lot, by and large
Is the land in which we were born
The promised land is PEACE
Within and without
The means a mere change of heart
Respect for all men, all men’s truths
To respect our neighbours
Those above and those below
For where now is respect
Let this miracle begin now
Materialize with the approaching season
And then rebirth in spring
For with a mere change in thought
A millennium of peace may yet be ours
A worthy end-beginning
For all who have died
Struggled and cried
For some two thousand years and more
Glory and praise
To those who hold such fortitude.

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