Tuesday, September 2, 2008

This could be my prayer to Santa Claus. It is about the gift of Christmas. It is about what should be important at Christmas and indeed, all year long. I is about the power of LOVE.


Hey, Santa Claus, bring it to me
What’s that you say, oh, no
The spirit is what I want
Even if I can’t have it
Just to see its rebirth
Among young and old
Heartfelt words, tears of joy
A kiss or hug from the heart
Husband to wife, parent to child
Indeed to all men
Let me sense a building joy
To replace that crass greed
Dollars and cents, devoid of feeling
Gimme, gimme, you owe me
For we were given life to return it in kind
Life in love, life in happiness
Tolerance, recognition
That all people have a right to be, to share
Yes, Santa Clause
If you have a gift for me
Give me a smile, soul’s love
From behind two eyes
It costs so much yet naught at all
For free of self
It is unchained
To sweep the world like wildfire
Love, that most potent gift
That alone can bring peace
On earth.
This last one is but the beginning for the next level. It is a prayer to all men from every other caring person upon this earth. The glory that could be this world, the true power of love. If we could only do this what a wonderful thing it would be.


Look at the ice-laden branches
So diamond-like
In the afternoon sun
Hear the crackling sounds
As the frost is released
Trumpets signaling a warming trend
Snow perhaps
Santa will have an easy time
So that children
Waking before the sun
Will see happiness
Eyes twinkling
Almost as bright as the afternoon branches
Beneath that sun
Oh that a wave of total love and delight
Should sweep the world
Oh, let us try and keep it
This year.

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