Tuesday, September 2, 2008


A day turns
And life goes on
Blend and change
And each one of us
Carry on our life
Seeing purpose
In each phase
For as surely
As the seasons change
So too
The days of our lives
As we grow
Mature and learn
Towards the final page
Checking the scoreboard
At Peter’s gate
Take a break
Start again
Until at last
The cycle will end
Our time of trial
A thing of the past
And Heaven’s glory
Opens to each one of us
And we know
At last
The bliss
Of being with the Divine
One with God
Our lessons learned
To know
And be
The truth.


How dare a man
Strive to be a god
Within this earthly plane
For though he is of God
And though he is as God
In spiritual plane
He should beware
Lest vanity
Turn him
Into a pillar of salt
For he shall not
Take an holy office
Before his time
And that time
Is not now
On earthly plane
For God is master here
While those dwelling below
Are but students
To what
They will one day be.



Another day
Is rendered up
For sacrifice
To their unknown God
As though
We’ll fool Him
Into the belief
That man
Has learned
At last
To coincide
Yes co-exist
With man and beast
His land
To understand
But blind beggars
That we are
We know
We know
Blind luck
Has brought us here
But she is old now
Decrepit and half-blind
And thinkers all
Had better scream down
Government halls
The awful cries
Of Reality
That tomorrow
Cannot be left
To just its own.


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